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God has given us more than fourteen billion cells and connections in our brain. Why would God give u

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,they are vexations to the spirit.

I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the colour and fragrance of a flower - the Light in my

Do not yearn to be popular; be exquisite. Do not desire to be famous; be loved. Do not take pride in

Go out in the woods, go out. If you don't go out in the woods nothing will ever happen and your life

Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another st

Of life's two chief prizes, beauty and truth, I found the first in a loving heart and the second in

Only when I fall do I get up again.

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also

How are you coming with your home library? Do you need some good ammunition on why it's so important

If the only prayer you say throughout your life is "Thank You," then that will be enough.

When they say the sky's the limit to me that's really true

They say that every snowflake is different. If that were true, how could the world go on? How could

Don't ever give up. Don't ever give in. Don't ever stop trying. Don't ever sell out. And if you find

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater th

I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is

It's very dramatic when two people come together to work something out. It's easy to take a gun and

A photographer is like a cod, which produces a million eggs in order that one may reach maturity.

A young outcast will often feel that there is something wrong with himself, but as he gets older, gr

Life might take you down different roads. But each of you gets to decide which one to take.