Coz Of ...

This world is your best teacher. There is a lesson in everything. There is a lesson in each experien

Either you run the day or the day runs you..

I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is

That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind

Sometimes the best of gods gift's arrive by the shattering of all the window panes.

It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.

...most of the time, all you have is the moment, and the imperfect love of the people around you.

When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved

I prefer you to make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness.

If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, pe

I am sure it is everyone’s experience, as it has been mine, that any discovery we make about ourselv

I've learned one thing: you can only really get to know a person after a row. Only then can you judg

Go ahead and believe that no one shines brighter than you. Become amazing, and be happy.

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to

When I left Queen's my future seemed to stretch out before me like a straight road. I thought I coul

I know it is hard for you young mothers to believe that almost before you can turn around the childr

In my deepest wound I saw your glory, and it dazzled me.

It's not whether you got knocked down

When you have a great and difficult task, something perhaps almost impossible, if you only work a li

God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in