Coz Of ...

No one's an angel - especially if he's a man

The remotest place on Earth can sometimes be the most attractive place on Earth especially in times

Democracy is a way of life controlled by a working faith in the possibilities of human nature. Belie

There can never be equality, so long the heavens have decided together with the darkness in the hear

When you have much higher ethical values than the ethical values of your own people, you stop belong

We are all bits and pieces of history and literature and international law.

This, I suppose, is part of being human, learning from our losses how better to appreciate what is l

All those minds that are interested in finding out the truth communicate with each other across the

Reaching the top of a high mountain is just a personal victory. But for a victory to be important fo

You want to become a better person?Just give thanks. Give thanks for all of it.

We humans are the Tyrannosaurus Rex of mammals.

The poor, the illiterate, the helpless, the distressed — let these be your God.

In the hands of thinking humanity, the purpose of the tool of Divinity or Religion is not the servic

If origin defines race, then the entire human race is African.

They taught the women that the home is a shame and in doing so, they successfully decomposed nations

Bring light to the ignorant, but more light to the educated, for the vanity of education makes moder

The instant that you forget about the consequences of your actions on other people, is the moment th

When one attains self-knowledge, distinctions of race and religion vanish.

Change biology, and you could change society--but could you change society on its own? Were we as a

The Self-confidence of the ignorant is one of the biggest disasters of the humanity!