Coz Of ...

The fact that for tens of thousands of years humanity has used warfare as a solution for states of d

I gave birth to one child, a son, but I have thousands of daughters. You are Black and White, Jewish

People are like that .... They need to make their own worst experiences universal. It gives them a k

Few men want to achieve greatness for humanity, thought Jeffrey. What better person is there to work

We need to be able to control - erm, guide the masses that can't help control themselves.

Jesus can identify with our weaknesses or failures because He shared in our humanity in the flesh.

Humans and their governments have effectively neutered the population to the point that they're just

Sow the seeds of love, kindness and peace.

The stronger the family, stronger the society.

They know how to eat, shit, drive their cars, do menial work, watch television and produce equally s

I suppose that’s an inevitable part of human existence, but in the bosom of a close family it can, a

God will certainly care for all His creation.

One day, I was on the front lawn of the property and aimed the gun at a sparrow perched high in a tr

Grief is an element of aliveness and the answer to the denial the market demands of us. It is an ind

Transcendence and transformation of consciousness will create a new reality for humanity—not our eco

The key to opening the secret of humanity is to love and understand the beauty of it.

If you have inner peace, you can create peace everywhere.

Let every human heart be open at spark of the light.

We are one in spirit.

Communism was born from a beautiful dream, the likes of which there will never be again on the face