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Every industrious man, in every lawful calling, is a useful man. And one principal reason why men ar

Few great men could pass personnel.

Let your autobiography contain these words; "I was able to think positively, love affectionately and

Over time, a commitment to challenging, focused work and leisure produces not only better daily expe

Don't allow yourself to feel guilty about wanting deep and endless love, amazing sex and opportuniti

It's called entrepreneurSHIP, not entrepreneurSIT. Don't wait. Just ship.

Work may be your dominant thought, and joy an afterthought. But joy is your true purpose, and work t

It's pretty hard to be efficient without being obnoxious.

There is a vast world of work out there in this country, where at least 111 million people are emplo

The symbol of the Lotus flower gives a precious teaching that can inspire us to deal with life in th

Why would you turn right on a red light when we can all just sit here behind you waiting to die... #

So said Hair-Face, and they killed him, because, they said, he was a wild man and wanted to go back

What is he to learn? To imitate? Or to avoid? When your friends the bees worry themselves about thei

When we think we're multitasking we're actually multiswitching. That is what the brain is very good

No, they didn’t have any money, the sea was dangerous and men were lost, but it was a satisfying lif

When you do your work happily, work will disappear.

Love turns work into rest.

The challenge lies in knowing how to bring this sort of day to a close. His mind has been wound to a

My work was done, so it was time to start digging my grave again.

Assiduity, it means sit down until you do it. Commit yourself to your work and study.