Coz Of ...

We must primarily become seekers of God instead of founders of works, for work will not sustain us t

Thirty thousand a year was all right, but dyspepsia and inability to be humanly happy robbed such pr

Angels do not toil, but let their good works grow out of them.

We had visceral, rich memories of dull, interminable hours. Then a day would pass in perfect harmony

The main character, Gene Moore, is shown how much of his identity is wrapped up in his career and po

We can say without exaggeration that the present national ambition of the United States is unemploym

Loveless work, boring work, work valued only because others haven't got even that much, however love

You cannot imagine the craving for rest that I feel—a hunger and thirst. For six long days, since my

From a pound of iron, that costs little, a thousand watch-springs can be made, whose value becomes p

Is a PLONGEUR'S work really necessary to civilization? We have a feeling that it must be 'honest' wo

Oh, God! That bread should be so dear, And flesh and blood so cheap!

By means of industry and perseverance you will rise higher and higher.

Partially undermining the manufacturer's ability to assert that its work constituted a meaningful co

You just go around getting hung up on all the least convenient things--and if the only obstacle in y

The incommensurability between the modern economic system and the people who staff it explains why m

The human worker will go the way of the horse.

Anti-sabbatical: A job taken with the sole intention of staying only for a limited period of time (o

Back in the days when gladiators hacked away at each other, there was always the man who decided whe

A doctor must work eighteen hours a day and seven days a week. If you cannot console yourself to thi

I nodded again, but I knew I would not grow up to drive a bulldozer. It would be awful to be dirty a