Coz Of ...

Fast, Cheap, Good: Pick Two.

Vocation” comes from the Latin vocare (to call) and means the work a man is called to by God.There a

That is what a well-guarded prayer life can reveal about us, that our trust is not in ourselves but

Each morning the light came through the slats of the shutters in ripples, and as it washed towards t

My mind feels like a beehive without the buzz.

It’s unthinkable, now to live as her parents had done, going to work from nine to five and enjoying

the first place smelled like work, so I took the second

Any man's a fool who lets himself be a wage-earning slave, today.

Every profession is an island whose inhabitants earn a precarious living by taking in each other’s w

I live, eat, spend, travel, support a family, entertain.....but I do not go to work. There is someth

Do it with passion or not at all.

Can't say a body ever gets used to hard work

I do not snivel that snivel the world over,That months are vacuums and the ground but wallow and fil

...if you do the job no one wants, you might eventually get the job everybody wants. But you have to

Think of a typical full-time worker, who's in the office from nine to five daily, but takes thirty m

Without work, we die daily.

Patience is one of the keys to success but I came to understand that you have to be patient while wo

Live your life with the will, to understand life.

A spider conducts operations that resemble those of a weaver, and a bee puts to shame many an archit

Another decent possibility my critics implicitly deny is that of work as a gift…They assume—and this