Coz Of ...

I read, write and create. I must lose myself in work, so that there is no space for the other/anythi

Fantasy, an unflagging optimism is necessary for a writer at all stages of this rough game. A kind o

Occupational Safety & Health Administration's (OSHA) lack of law enforcement has made the USA a dang

But it is not always the people who say most who do most.

During my time in high altitude astronomy, I routinely witnessed workers breathing medical oxygen, i

Be robust enough to work more than a robot!

Let others slap each others on the back while you're back in the lab or the gym or pounding the pave

Doing great work is a struggle. It's draining, it's demoralizing, it's frightening - not always, but

It's easy to equate longing with love. It's the same way it was with your mother. You worked to earn

When you select a career, it not only affects you but many people who depend on your work.

Do we miss out on love because we are working so hard? Or are we working so hard because we missed o

As some people turned to religion for comfort, so, Highsmith wrote in her notebook in September 1970

God is not some lesser employee, as many try to make Him out to be: rather He is the ultimate Treasu

No legitimate work, undertaken for the glory of God, is menial or meaningless. Hard physical labor w

Unless, of course, one chose to join the increasing numbers who had decided they were so deep in des

People say I was made for thisNothin' else would I trade for thisAnd just think I get paid for this.

Would you work for me? I will gush of majesty on your head.

In the meantime, I had to get dressed and go to work, because going to work in my pajamas was appare

Have the STRENGTH to say “no” to the status quo. Have the WILL to listen to the deepest desires of y

WE MAY FEEL...BUT WE DON'TWe may feel the need to change employment, but we don’t.We may feel the ne