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7 TRUTHS ABOUT MONEY, WORTH, HAPPINESS & CHOICE1. Money does not validate your personal worth. Just

Every post is a digital tattoo of your personal brand.Every post you make is a marketing piece. Whet

Note to businesspersons and salespersons: "Be professional" does not mean "be a robot." Just be frie

Dreams come true when you live life awake.

Dear Influencers: Trolls will lurk under the bridges you build to gobble you up. They are hangry for

FIND YOUR WEIRDFinding your weird is a lot like finding your voice. Although, your voice is more abo

To make money you have to use a four letter word: SELL.

It's not what you got, but what you gave.

You may forget the toys you buy and break, but you'll always remember the experiences and memories y

What story will your life tell? Love your story. Live your story. Lead your story.

I believe in solving social ills with business skills.

Entrepreneurs don't have weekends or birthdays or holidays. Every day is my weekend, my birthday, my

You can't expect the level of excitement of your audience to be greater than your own.

Another year older, but am I wiser? Wisdom comes from learning and changing for the better. Sometime

When you travel, somehow, the world gets both bigger and smaller, simultaneously.

Happiness being surrounded by good friends and family at a BBQ.

You can't judge a man by the way he reacts when things go right, but by the way he reacts when thing

IT'S TIME TO LEARN YOUR A.B.C.sAlwaysBE CONFIDENTConfidence is a feeling, feel it.AlwaysBE CREATIVEC

Building a family is an entrepreneurial experience.

MESSAGE + MISSION = MOVEMENT Its not that you want to be on TV or the radio or in a magazine. If no