Coz Of ...

That wish to enter into an elusive element which had urged Cosimo into the trees, was still working

Nothing is invented, for it's written in nature first.

Come see the cherry trees of a water constellationand the round key of the rapid universe,come touch

A lake is a landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is Earth's eye

I tried to discover, in the rumor of forests and waves, words that other men could not hear, and I p

My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing.

He is one of those who has had the wilderness for a pillow, and called a star his brother. Alone. Bu

The paramount doctrine of the economic and technological euphoria of recent decades has been that ev

Is this Tree of Life a God one could worship? Pray to? Fear? Probably not. But it did make the ivy t

Nature is a language and every new fact one learns is a new word; but it is not a language taken to

Nature offers us a thousand simple pleasers- Plays of light and color, fragrance in the air, the sun

A tree without roots is just a piece of wood.

Nature has a pretty sick sense of humor.

You know Balbec so well - do you have friends in the area?'I have friends wherever there are compani

A few days later, I found my mother beneath the tree, motionless with excitement, her head turned to

Every sunset which I witness inspires me with the desire to go to a west as distant and as fair as t

But Sasha was from Russia, where the sunsets are longer, the dawns less sudden and sentences are oft

When faced with a radical crisis, when the old way of being in the world, of interacting with each o

Nature is pitiless; she never withdraws her flowers, her music, her fragrance and her sunlight, from

A mistake is simply another way of doing things.