Coz Of ...

This is the simplest of spells, and foundation to all others. Magic seeks to better understand, and

No matter how few possessions you own or how little money you have, loving wildlife and nature will

The future of wildlife and the habitat that they depend on is in being destroyed. It is time to make

Humanity can no longer stand by in silence while our wildlife are being used, abused and exploited.I

What is it like to be a Spokane Indian without wild salmon? It is like being a Christian if Jesus ha

It seems supernatural, but only because it is not understood.

A river flow freely from its source.

In Summer there were white and damask roses, and the smell of thyme and musk. In Spring there were g

Is there anything whiter than winter snow?

White clouds, blue sky.

Protecting our environment is not a luxury we can choose to enjoy, but a simple matter of survival.

We are human only in contact, and conviviality, with what is not human.

It must be difficult to be a mother,” she continued thoughtfully. “To create and nurture and raise a

Around them, sky and air wove the ancient song of the meeting place of earth and sea—wave-rush on th

What is the message that wild animals bring, the message that seems to say everything and nothing? W

The time of man is coming, and of this I am certain: neither death, nor life, nor the spirits, nor t

The entire area - some 300 square kilometers - is sacred. There are shrines and temples dotted about

The diversity of different colours is displayed in a rainbow.

Rainbow the blend of bliss of colours!

To save our dying earth, any government which is not environmentalist must go because on earth there