Coz Of ...

...Nature becomes your teacher, and from her you will learn what is beautiful and who you are and wh

Such was the hidden power of nature, capable of producing extreme beauty and cruelty at the same tim

The dusk rapidly deepened; the glades grew dark; the crackling of the fire and the wash of little wa

(U)derneath all the complexity of human life that uneasy stare at an alien nature is still haunting

The notion that human life has greater value than any other form of life is both unjustifiable and a

The arbutus is now open everywhere in the woods and groves. How pleasant it is to meet the same flow

The blue of the sky is one of the most special colors in the world, because the color is deep but se

The places of quiet are going away, the churches, the woods, the libraries. And it is only in silenc

Stand in nature before anyone else has woken and most people find something to believe in.

When it comes down to it, government is simply an abandonment of responsibility on the assumption th

Back home, Huxley drew from this experience to compose a series of audacious attacks against the Rom

If it is true that nature abhors a vacuum, then criminality regards it as a business opportunity.

May the stars guide you. May the winds cleanse all ills and remain at your back. May the earth prote

Nature is interested in only two things—to survive and to reproduce one like itself. Anything you su

Winters are a desolate time where all senses are wiped away, and here in Canada, this is especially

Trees exhale for us so that we can inhale them to stay alive. Can we ever forget that? Let us love t

As human beings we’ve certainly suffered the loss of awe, the loss of sacredness, and the loss of th

Yesterday morning, I awoke to a brilliant rainbow. At first, I marveled at the sky’s pink hues, and

No one lives in these regionsof rock and sun. It is a lucky part of the world; to grow old without b

I would describe the distinction between city and landscape like this: cities tend to excite and agi