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When tenderness softened her heart, and the sublime feeling of universal love penetrated her, she fo

Nature-deficit disorder describes the human costs of alienation from nature, among them: diminished

Offerings gleam beneath consecrated trees,boulders, and caves where Kami nature spiritsminister to c

Character is what a man is in the dark

Nature is energy and struggle. It is what exists without any promise. If it can be thought of by man

Nature is the my best teacher.

Nature! I think it my duty to serve its beauty.

I say, indeed: "consolation in the nonsentience of nature." For nonsentience is consoling; the world

Society is a system of inherited forms reducing our humiliating passivity to nature.

MORNINGTIDEThe wonderful works of morningtidebring the sight of luminous whiteness,a breathing whims

A camel brayed columns from the rondavels

When I am lost in the wonder of nature, my life is vivacious.

Peace within us translates to our exterior world. Our outer and inner state of peace is directly rel

The logical extension of synthetic nature is the irrelevance of "true" nature--the certainty that it

There's nothing man can imagine that nature hasn't already created a zillion times better.

One learns a landscape finally not by knowing the name or identity of everything in it, but by perce

If tonight is my last, I would run towards the sea, wildly swim the tides, the jump up the hills, fl

Earlier People used to hate a lieSince now lie has become truth and truth has become a lie.They stil

Snow... blots and softens the top of every object like ice on a plum pudding. Hedges, telegraph wire

Countless communities have virtually outlawed unstructured outdoor nature play, often because of the