Coz Of ...

What you focus on gets prettier

A terrorist is the most foolish and na?ve. He is drunk with fixed false beliefs that killing his nei

Confidence brings comfort and clarity.

A person who can understand, appreciate, and sing along with a tree has a deeper perception on life.

Most of us are brainwashed by our society so we become the reflection of that society.

You can’t manage a project. You can only mange your thoughts to come up with better ideas to do the

Most people don’t think most of the time. They just use other people’s thoughts as a crutch to get b

Those with an abundant mindset will have abundant wealth.

To be a great success detect the problem, find the solutions, never complain, but never forget to co

Our life gets prettier when we try to lighten the burden of others.

A simple mind and a loving heart is a source of miracle.

The world is a living mirror. With the light of your perception, you see yourself in it every moment

Before we can change the world, we have to change ourselves. We can do it by focusing, concentrating

You may not be a great success in everything, but every time you try you will learn something.

Why is there such madness in our world? Why can’t we stop it? Why do we hate others? Tolerance, harm

Wealth is a byproduct of wealth-oriented education, ideas, and thoughts.

Life is like a cooking pot. If you cook something good, you well get something tasty. If you cook so

Deep down in my heart, I know that I know nothing.

Often a healthy obsession is an essential component of great success.

How much you are able to learn is determined by how much you are involved, how much you participate,