Coz Of ...

The price we have paid for expecting to be so much more than our ancestors is a perpetual anxiety th

There's no backward and no forward, no day other than this. You fill your cart as you go, and that's

Were prayers of murderers, when fighting on the “right side” of the war, ever heard—let alone answer

Poetry and art nourish the soul of the world with the flavor-filled substances of beauty, wisdom and

Snow floated down every once in a while, but it was frail snow, like a memory fading into the distan

Believe in human beings - not all are good, but deep down all can be. But that doesn't mean you need

It's not him who's disturbed. But he likes to disturb others--to shake them out of their rut.

Be the kind of person who catches the shit before it hits the fan, not the one who scrapes it off af

We're on a planet, relax!

Make life easier by living in the present and believing in the future.

If you appreciate the small things, you're likely to get the big ones.

Men have such a good opinion of themselves, of their mental superiority and intellectual depth; they

The more he identifies with the dominant images of need, the less he understands his own life and hi

Flexibility makes buildings to be stronger, imagine what it can do to your soul.

The warrior learns of the spiritual realm by dwelling on the cutting edge of the sword, standing at

Society can and does execute its own mandates: and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or

We each have within ourselves the ability to shape our own destinies. That much we understand. But,

What is in mind is a sort of Chautauqua...that's the only name I can think of for the trav

The sole philosophy open to those who doubt the possibility of truth is absolute silence -- even men

And so these refined parents rejected their five-year-old girl to all kinds of torture. They beat he