Coz Of ...

Subjectivity is strange to Science, while Relativity is an objective part of it.

To believe in nothing is as ridiculous as to believe in everything. Reason and factual evidence may

Who are you? No really. Way, way down deep. Who are you?

Comprehending and knowing better and deeper are the best guarantees we can have to attain ideas and

We may be living past and future lives at the same time we are living this one.

When you’ve tried everything and failed, try everything else and succeed

I can kill a bad guy, but I can't save anyone. I'm not a hero. All I am is a killer. A dead killer w

Other people are only aspects of our own greater being.

You can change your mind, don't let your mind change you

Truth is not as pompous and romantic as myth ... but it has the immeasurable value of being the Trut

It is curious that the human mind could blindly accept an infinite speed but had reservations to acc

Grammar and ordinary language are bad guides to metaphysics. A great book might be written showing t

When we say two bodies 'touch', what we mean (without knowing it) is that both electromagnetic field

Pretend you are foolish to the foolish, and be yourself when you are alone or with others like you,

Besides our eyes, skin and the other senses through which we receive the shadows of the exterior rea

A loud smile is often a fake laugh.

Life always involves some logic in its manifestations, and logic, as a rule, excludes the versatilit

The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long a

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men

In the Kamigata area, they have a sort of tiered lunchbox they use for a single day when flower view