Coz Of ...

All I'm trying to say is that if you're not willing to observe this, if you're just going to condemn

Wenn man nachts nicht schl?ft, werden Tr?ume wahr.

On ne peut opposer absraitement le spectacle et l'activité sociale effective.

Le spectacle est la reconstruction matérielle de l'illusion religieuse.

Jigga, Kells, Not Guilty

Whenever a soul leaves the body a void is felt across the world..

Failure is when you stop trying to do something.So, if you want to succeed.Don't stop trying.

If you don't look. You can't see.

See the world for what it is.BEAUTIFUL!

It's the little things that make big things happen.

But it is just as useless for a man to want first of all to decide the externals and after that the

Your comfort zone is a place where you keep yourself in a self-illusion and nothing can grow there b

Lo que sabemos es una gota de agua

Here is your great soul—the man who has given himself over to Fate; on the other hand, that man is a

When you are able to love yourself deeply, you can be kind to others.

There are only two most powerful situations- being so small that you have nothing to lose and being

Let the love of the moon kiss you good night, let the morning sun wake you up with loving light.

Not all doors open in the same direction and with the same effort!

UNDIVIDEDI am for One world undivided. One world without fear and corruption. One world ruled by Tru

What would have become of Hercules do you think if there had been no lion, hydra, stag or boar - and