Coz Of ...

For Christians . . . an unreflective faith is not possible if we take seriously the injunction to lo

I am philosophical Christ

My one and only goal is to unite the world.

Colors are what trick the mind and our imaginations into buying things.

It's when you tame your nightmares, that your dreams will willingly enter the corral.

You discuss philosophy about what you read but never really live the wisdom.

Depression! It really gets you down.

God's everywhere.So remember when you go to the toilet not to laugh.

It's when you sit alone,Or lay in your bed, That we will be watching,Waiting,Until you get scared.Th

We use Halloween to scare the kids and bankers to scare the adults.

Wonder begets culture, which begets yet more wonder, and the end of wonder is wisdom, which is the s

The search for first causes is the ultimate wild goose chase.

When you separate thought from life, you get philosophy.

Logical positivism is philosophy from the neck up.

Understanding how little we know is crucial to gaining knowledge.

Choose to hustle now, to work hard now, to make all the sacrifice now. So that you can enjoy your to

And further, God should not be regarded as older than His creations by any period of time, but rathe

That of which we cannot speak, we must pass over in silence

Be supportive to you partner. Be there for them.Listen to them and show you care. Humans fall in lov

Beauty and Money will get you a relationship , but not love. Listening, caring and being there will