Coz Of ...

Everybody is guilty. It's only the innocent that aren't.

Life is a dancing dream.

When the spirit is happy, the soul is full of smiles.

Love is everything. So, for one who loves, everything has ceased to have meaning in itself and only

Spinoza formulated the profoundly important principle that *all determination is negation*. To deter

We assert now that Being is the proper and sole theme of philosophy. This is not our own invention;

Our conduct of the ontological investigation in the first and second parts opens up for us at the sa

Thus with the question of the Being of truth and the necessity of presupposing it, just as with the

Curiosity is everywhere and nowhere. This mode of Being-in-the-world reveals a new kind of Being of

Certainly, what Kant calls the transcendental reference, experience and object of experience are in

Our life is just as long or short as our remembering: as rich as our imagining, as vibrant as our fe

You need to belong to yourself, and let others belong to themselves too. You need to be free and det

I have lived a long life and had many troubles, most of which never happened

Honesty is a moral virtue, a matter of the will. Honesty means willing the truth with the whole of y

Bellybuttons are our link with the past.

Human existence can relate to beings only if it holds itself out into the nothing. Going beyond bein

Among the objections to the reality of objects of sense, there is one which is derived from the appa

Our critique is not opposed to the *dogmatic procedure* of reason in its pure knowledge as science (

Philosophy is metaphysics. Metaphysics thinks beings as a whole―the world, man, God―with respect to

Morality means choice. Choice means priorities. Priorities mean a hierarchy. A hierarchy means somet