Coz Of ...

What we do is what means the most.

Your own chosen paths can never be wrong. It is just the intensity of your curiosity in you which is

[I]ndulge the body just so far as suffices for good health. It needs to be treated somewhat strictly

Writing a book is a herculean task, but the toughest thing is to get convinced with your work, and f

Even jellyfish have a life. So, what's your excuse?

A sequence of random events isn't really random at all. It's just made to look that way so it will e

When we walk along the beach and feel the sand beneath our toes and then the surf sends small waves

It's no use talking about the 'Doomsday Clock' when it has already chimed. But, alas, the chimes fel

Animals are what we are and animals are what we'll stay.

I know where I come from, but what I want to know is, where am I going?

Smartness without wisdom is stupidity.

Nothing is right or wrong. It's all an interpretation of which lens we are looking through.

We all have to share this world. The best way to do that is to be nice to each other.

She may not be like everyone else, but neither am I.

I am haunted by my past and by what I must do to ensure my future.

Learn from the mistakes of others. Nobody could take the time nor hardship to survive them alone.

Isn't a smile or hug more disarming than a title or pen?

Patience usually requires a little apathy.

If integrity was legal, honesty would be a crime.

If you have someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for, your life is better than mo