Coz Of ...

Perhaps it's impolite to die so flippantly, after all she's done for me.

The moment we accept each other as Human beings, we shall find harmony.

Any human being should be capable of three things to earn such title: live alone, hunt and drive any

In the face of a disaster, do you believe strongly enough in humanity to expend your life to save th

However angry I was with him, however much I wanted to humiliate Terry, I suddenly saw such humanity

Slowly, it dawned on me that nothing was more important than stopping violence toward women—that the

The world is not made of bread and honey…nor of the sweet flesh of girls. This world is made of clou

Anything exceptional gets crushed by common people with jealousy and ignorance and all their common

However let's turn the coin, what if we choose not to broadcast the bad news but choose to broadcast

A cry for attention is positioned as a crime, as if attention were inherently a selfish thing to wan

If we wish for peace, we must pray for one another.

The ultimate truth is penultimately always a falsehood. He who will be proved right in the end appea

We humans are like squirrels who spend all summer gathering and hoarding nuts and when winter comes

the cord of two is better than one.

Be a peacemaker, seek peace.

I think the argument that no whites are free of racism is quite erroneous. But then, on another leve

Be transparent. Let's build a community that allows hard questions and honest conversations so we ca

Anybody that does not value time does not value life.

Evolution takes its sweet time in its work on our collective consciousness

Let nothing human be considered sacred. Let nothing human be considered divine.