Coz Of ...

Survival of the fittest" in the commonly used animal sense is not a theory or principle for a "time-

You see, Great Caesar. she said, this is the way in which mortals retain the power of the divine---i

You walked in, and the air changed. It gives you an advantage and you're enough of a challenge. I'm

Storytelling is ultimately the only way that we know besides song, dance, painting, and music to sha

Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State! Sail on, O Union, strong and great! Humanity with all its fears

Humans. We are intelligent. We are destructive. We are complex creatures.

Be nice to people... maybe it'll be unappreciated, unreciprocated, or ignored, but spread the love a

the crucial factor in ourconquest of the world was our ability to connect many humans to one another

What a man loves may be his ruin, but what a man ruins he can never truly love.

It was the centuries-old battle of man to keep his race alive and push forward into the future, the

There is only one Human race but many nations with diverse tribes.

What matters is the living have breath!

We are one people until you decide we are one person in the churning sea of humanity.

You've evolved when you realize the effect that your positive contributions to others create ripples

This is how we progress as humans. We went from horseless carriages to self-driving, self-organizing

Wherever, I am welcome, there is my home.

We can only love one another deeply from the heart, for there is home of sacredness.

If only they would not look at one so-What great misery can be in two such small spots, no bigger th

Humans must experience suffering in order to comprehend the importance of their existence. -- Masaa

Beware of puny two-legged creatures claiming to be made in the image of God.