Coz Of ...

Truth is only true if it is true for all.

Mankind has two immense problems, they forget to use logic and begin at the root of each trouble.

Do you realize that you will not only wreck your civilization, such as it is, and kill most of your

We are bodies of broken bones. I guess I’d always known but never fully considered that being broken

In the densest places of man, humanity most easily breaks down

You must become aware of the need to serve humanity with your gift

Being human in a world with no tolerance for humanity felt like a setup, a game I couldn't win. But

She was adamant that any organization that labelled one group of people as evil would eventually do

Monsters were real. They wore human flesh and looked out from behind the eyes of seemingly benign pe

You're supposed to be made in His image, and yet you're all such ungrateful pieces of filth. You onl

Humankind’s greatest gift is that we are indeterminate beings. Unlike the tough and leathery seed of

Is what I do important? Does it matter? I don't really do much other than working, and caring for my

I never disliked humanity more than when I watched how indifferently they reacted to creation

These robots are literally inhuman, and yet I react no differently to their stumblings and topplings

If you want to teach real religion to the kids, throw away the Bible, the Vedas, the Quran and all t

Human potential is the ability of a person or humanity to put their theoretical abilities into pract

Humanism is not a pompous philosophy to be talked and debated about by a handful of intellectuals -

You may turn every house in your neighborhood into a charity center, you may fill the land with soup

Your life-blood is humanism. If it flows pure and clear, everything would happen nicely in the world

Doctrines, no matter which path of human endeavor they come from, must serve the humans, not the hum