Coz Of ...

Enemies aren't always garnered through action... Sometimes they appear for no other reason than to s

Together you are a species that grows in all aspects of life – separated you are a mere speck of dus

The heart upon which, the sense of humanity and the passion has died, that heart is the emptiness of

...words can help us to see what is graceful or human where lovelines and humanity seem to fail...

In the midst of compassion, we find ourselves. We discover our true purpose.

History, memory - that is what makes us human, that, and our knowledge of death: 'by man came death'

Balance eases the heart.

Humanity prevails over all other ideologies because one accept it or reject it for him but he cannot

Humanity must need to continue because humanity is about humans and humans are nothing without human

Any system of ethics must account for scarcity. If it doesn’t, humanity would perish due to misalloc

Considering things in the ecumenical measure, we are the microbes of the Universe.

It is an arrogant man that thinks himself a god.And an arrogant god, thought Tieren, looking to the

A nuclear-weapons-free world is the highest gift of humanity to the next generation.

If a machine can convincingly imitate humanity—can persuade a human being of its kinship—then what m

How quickly someone else's life can enter through the cracks we don't know are there until this fore

We could go so far as to say that it is the human condition to be grotesque, since the human animal

A quiet mind is the quickest and biggest step to a peaceful world.

The magic that confounds them is humanity. The naturally occurring, slow acting, unpredictably poten

Love is the cloud that keeps raining down.

God did not separate humanity from the environment in which they were created