Coz Of ...

The Buggers have finally, finally learned that we humans value each and every individual human life.

If the history of the last century taught us the dangers of empowering governments to determine gene

Well, anyhow, the practical outcome of all these damn democratic ideas, is that men of our quality -

The purpose of life is to become acquainted with the deepest recesses of a person’s own mind by refl

Evolution is constant. Evolving better is individual’s conscience.

The real nightmare, worse than the one in which the Big Machine wants to kill you, is the one in whi

We shouldn't be seeking the respect of an unjust system that will not respect us on the basis of our

The most rewarding times are those spent in changing lives for the sake of humanity.

It's the ancient instinct: In times of great danger, be wary of strangers. Trust no one outside your

It's all about the people. It's all for the people. It's all to the people. That's our ultimate goal

Humanity is in her infancy, so start enjoying the journey.

Always do what is right not what is convenient. This will reflect your love and kindness for humanit

Unless humanity gives top priority to the space science, there will be no future for the humanity!

It is up to us to decide what human means, and exactly how it is different from machine, and what ta

The principles of storytelling are immutable, explaining why we see shards of ourselves in other peo

Sports has no bounds, no race, no religion, no caste and no creed. Keep out all this from sports. Sp

Humanity reveals her inner beauty through the interplay of gratitude, love, and kindness.

If you are going to judge others it is wisest to do so individually not collectively and on your own

what terrifies me most is how wefoam at the mouth with envywhen others succeedbut sigh in reliefwhen

This world is not here for you