Coz Of ...

Many aspects of the human condition are beautiful and many others are vile. Betrayal and personal ag

I'd read the section in my guidebook about the trail's history the winter before, but it wasn't unti

I'm hurting because the color of my skin makes me perfect for their target practice.

When we choose to reject those who live differently, we murder our humanity.

When Man realizes his littleness, his greatness can appear. But not before.

Even if mankind can go on without them, a piece of our vibrantly diverse world dies along with each

Four minutes of eye contact brings people closer to each other better than everything else.

What is humanity? To feel pain at the sorrows of our neighbours, to feel humiliated at the humiliati

A great paradox which should God make us understand, we will weep, laugh, wonder and ponder is the p

It's hard to recognize the devil when his hand is on your shoulder. That's because a psychopath is j

If we take a moment to reflect on human history we see so much complexity that it’s difficult to com

Sow success and hope unto others, and more success and hope becomes what you permanently reap.

every time this happensI see my fathermy brothermy would be sonI see myselfstop killing us

Egalitarianism trumps elitism. Only a selfish fool will tell you otherwise

It is not the outside of people that bothers me, but the inside.

The great thing about church is that it has people in it - and people can be tricky

Suppose, and the facts leave us quite free to suppose it, suppose that the latent sapiens in us succ

I may be the last one, but I am the one still standing. I am the one turning to face the faceless hu

Hang onto your humanity with all you have. Cherish it. Remember, you are the one in control of your

For Japanese people before 1868, Europeans were little more than curious beasts, strange and incompr