Coz Of ...

My favorite lecturer was Alan Bean, who flew on Apollo 12 and is one of the twelve guys who walked o

Losing your job gives you time

I want to say, in all seriousness, that a great deal of harm is being done in the modern world by be

At the age of 45, most days in Tucson were spent feeling like I was on the summit of Mauna Kea, as I

It’s bad enough to be a girl, anyway, when I like boys’ games and work and manners!

Workdays are, I imagine, rather like learning to ice-skate Torvill and Dean’s The Bolero. They start

He preferred the term "study" to "office," as an office meant work. No way around it. In a study, yo

When you're a kid all you know is that your dad puts on his suit or overalls and vanishes from your

When there is a crisis, let your heart pray, but let your hands work.

It is worse than useless to do things halfway Bee, for then you think the work is done, but someone

And love is work. But it's the best kind of work there is.

The work is plentiful but the labours are few.

We can combat existential anguish – the unbearable lightness of our being – in a variety of ways. We

A pensive personality and ambivalent attitude towards power and money can cause other people to take

The nonessential employees, the type of workers whom remain at home when it snows, are the quickest

Each person must implement their preferred problem solving method to address existential questions p

In running back and forth among the things that might be important, we forget to spend enough time o

You’re worth ever bead of sweat and every groan of frustration. You’re worth the work, you’re worth

Is there shame in living off your fellow man or being unable to take care ofyourself? You bet. But a

When you do your works sincerely, you put wings to your works and then they will fly all over the wo