Coz Of ...

No matter what gifts you have, practice is the only way to get better at anything."If people knew ho

My life's work is to help people step into their God-given abilities and make a positive difference

We can learn to work and speak when we are afraid in the same way we have learned to work and speak

A vivid - if somewhat melodramatic - firsthand description of what deliberate practice can feel like

My calling ties me to no office, makes me no man's slave, compels me to no action which my soul cond

Follow your passion was not the message I heard growing up. Instead, I was told that the practical r

The hour is only long thus, if you've waited.

When everyone lives only for self, life doesn't work.

It always does seem to me that I am doing more work than I should do. It is not that I object to wor

We wake up to be alive and to revive our lives; we don’t wake up to keep sleeping! We wake up not ju

There's an art in every labour.

If you find it difficult to get along with your boss, try to reason with him and talk through your d

The most likely man to go to hell is the man who has nothing to do on earth. Idle people tempt the d

I see your point. It irks you to see anyone at all who is able to work permitted to live without wor

Not everything you're good at is what you're called to do.

How prudently we relate to our work determines whether we will be raised to a higher level of financ

The key to career advancement is appearing valuable despite all hard evidence to the contrary. … If

Every person is a creator. We create with our ideas and beliefs. Our daily labor creates a worldly c

It is not who will eat beans, but who will pick it that is scarce.

I have no idea how to be an artist and a lover, so I chose the one most likely to make me happy when