Coz Of ...

For ourselves, who are ordinary men and women, let us return thanks to Nature for her bounty by usin

Snob corrupted.

For the Bible there is nothing numinous, no holy or divine presence, within nature itself. Nature is

Sometimes, somehow...I feel that ocean contains tears of mother earth,that mourns over terrible grea

The bee's life is like a magic well: the more you draw from it, the more it fills with water

Curiosity is the one thing invincible in Nature.

I study nature so as not to do foolish things.

In the same way that the picturesque designers were always careful to include some reminder of our m

It has become much harder, in the past century, to tell where the garden leaves off and pure nature

The name Alaska is probably an abbreviation of Unalaska, derived from the original Aleut word agunal

If a man's imagination were not so weak, so easily tired, if his capacity for wonder not so limited,

Nature is a word, an allegory, a mold, an embossing, if you will.

The peasant is the only species of human being who doesn't like the country and never looks at it.

I see young men, my townsmen, whose misfortune it is to have inherited farms, houses, barns, cattle,

Alligators have beautiful undulating skin, which feels dense, spongy, solid, like the best eraser.

The view, though. The view. It is undeniably exhilarating.

Having spent a long time in open spaces, whether sea or desert, it is a luxury to be able to take re

There’s the wind on the heath, brother; if I could only feel that, I would gladly live for ever.

The sail, the play of its pulse so like our own lives: so thin and yet so full of life, so noiseless

In any case, perhaps the quest for data to support our actions gets overemphasized. After all, our e