Coz Of ...

For Zola, as for Huysmans, nature itself is uncanny because it is the domain of the feminine, a doma

The fancies that take their monstrous birth from the spinelessness and boredom of usurped wealth bri

Nature was quick to pass the sponge of her deluges over these awkward sketches (dinosaurs), these fi

People believe a little too easily that the function of the sun is to help the cabbages along.

There is no symbolism to these fish, as Hemingway wrote. A cabezon is just a cabezon; a garibaldi, a

Our approach to reality, our sense of reality, cannot assume that the text of nature, the book of li

When the world has changed and the rivers run dry ad the forests grow brown will we realize that we

I thought that there could be no revolt against nature. I accepted the landscape without dreaming th

David had been photographing endangered species in the Hawaiian rainforest and elsewhere for years,

At the MoorWanderer in the black wind

Ours is a shockingly dead view of creation. We ourselves are the only things in the universe to whic

With a bound, the sun of a molten fiery red cam above the horizon, and immediately thousands of litt

I don’t know what understanding myself is. I don’t look inside.I don’t believe I exist behind myself

Most European nations identify themselves with eagles or lions, with some predator or creature of th

Along the wide curving moat surrounding the palace, rows of cherry trees announced the end of their

With the utmost love and attention the man who walks must study and observe every smallest living th

God’s favor in its fullness is that which allows strength to overcome with weakness, love to overcom

I’ll walk, but not in old heroic traces,And not in paths of high morality,And not among the half-dis

If we take care the Nature it will be our careful Mother.

No free man needs a God; but was I free?How fully I felt nature glued to meAnd how my childish palat