Coz Of ... is extremely resilient but not infinitely so.

Nature's design is fully economical. Human design follows this model when it minimizes information a

The nature of everything is, fair and based on justice. We make that unfair and unjust.

Despite its dark veins, the transparency of dragonfly’s wings assures me of a pure, innocent world

We are like travelers using the cinders of a volcano to roast their eggs.

Explore the deep ocean.

People to be stronger they must have taste from everywhere the stuff, what's the feeling your father

When we look at nature, we receive a sort of permission to be alive in this world, and our entire bo

To find and enjoy profound happiness, learn from nature and emulate her stoic calmness.

A butterfly has landed on a patch of milk parsley. Wings held vertically so it’s not going anywhere

Culture is a symbolic veil with which we hide our animal nature from ourselves … and other animals.

You are brighter than the sunlight and bolder than a rainbow. You are the reason spring was created

We travel only as far and as high as our hearts will take us.

The sky's gone blue: azure, the ocean bluer: cerulean, the trees are swirls of every hella freaking

Don’t even try to count all the colors of spring. God’s pallet keeps generating new hues.

It doesn't matter how green a blade of grass is expected to be, when it's already smashed beneath th

Over the drop, a luminous pond lay below them like a pale magic lantern. It was as if the moon had p

Maria didn’t fear the sea but, as taught by her father, she respected its power. In her experience t

It could be my eyes, but my eyes have more sparks than those coffees.

Sunshine and water—the perfect recipe for happiness.