Coz Of ...

A hoverfly is held in a sunbeam, an insect in amber.

Wild GeeseYou do not have to be good.You do not have to walk on your kneesfor a hundred miles throug

Nature itself, is the best medicine prescription, for our whole being.

Cloud is cloud.

Why do we decorate the world with the ugliness of war when nature is so beautiful and kind?

Nature is nature.

Tree is tree.

Wind is wind.

River is river.

Rain is rain.

Nature responds to your respect and gratitude by creating a magical energy of blessings in return.

In the summers we swam in the river and caught minnows with jam pots; on Sunday evenings my father f

Mountain is mountain.

Forest is forest.

A hare's movement seems plagued by the flicks and judders of restrained energy, as if carrying an ac

Time spent in one place deepens this interaction, creating a melding and meshing that can feel a bit

We can always be humanMeeting each day a wise new manBut the Animal Kingdom to which we belongAnimal

When the first fine spring days come, and the earth awakes and assumes its garment of verdure, when

For better or worse, honeybees are often much too busy to be bothered with personal reflection.

with each measured step,we knowthis earth is only as solidas we are.