Coz Of ...

Do not look for company at all costs, and especially do not allow loneliness to lead you to fickle l

A soul that knows it is loved but does not itself love betrays its sediment: what is at bottom comes

Honor,' he said firmly. 'I have great honor. So will you. But you will find that that is not the sam

Life is the longest journey.

No explanation is ever as good as not having one.

We never solve the big questions

If I could forget you! Is my love then a work of memory? Even if time expunged everything from its t

Our knowledge springs from two fundamental sources of our mind; the first is to receive representati

Storm clouds will always ignite the darker side of my passion.

Acquiring knowledge through the centuries has influenced human society more than all other factors.

In Leibniz we can already find the striking observation that *cogitatur ergo est* is no less evident

One of my principal theses is that in every case the nature of a being (contingent as well as essent

When you are there for people who dont need you. They make fun of you and make you a fool.

Nothing gets easy. It is just that you understand how it is and how it works. Nothing its difficult

How far removed in time must an event be for us to remember it? How far for memory's longing to be n

When the sea reaches the sky, then we shall all become one.

If you don't have love, you don't have much at all.

Why people suffer thou the is government. It is because everyone fight into power to take care of th

The problem with a philosophy or a belief is that you soon start changing the facts to fit it.

Don't eat the bread unless you want to leave bread crumbs.