Coz Of ...

Shadows only come to life in our imaginations.Unfortunately for me, I've got a very vivid imaginatio

I tried to count all the seconds that I have loved you for, but I gave up. I found it was easier to

It's time to fly.Care to join me?

Some poeple take God and want to apply privacy settings on him to make him private to them like thei

When you're as hot as you are, no amount of ice will do.

I perceived that I was on a little round grain of rock and metal, filmed with water and with air, wh

Only by the aid of language does reason bring about its most important achievements, namely the harm

You can't skip over nature by logic. Logic presupposes three possibilities, but there are millions!

(Love’s atopia, characteristic which causes it to escape all dissertations, would be that *ultimatel

The development of civilization was marked by constant changes. This will continue – therefore, the

Only a person who is motivated in the inner depths of his being will help without hesitation and wit

Be patient in life, knowing that there is a real possibility that the desired outcome could happen w

In reality, there is no such thing as absolute freedom. The rules of social interaction determine on

A free man does not do what must be done, but what should be done.

We should enjoy every minute we live today because who knows if we will have a chance to do so tomor

The people who overcome their fears are the ones who can achieve their dreams.

True friendship doesn't include jealousy.

A friend is a person who always understands your preoccupations, even when other people do not perce

The act of living is a revolutionary right.

When something is dirty you wash it. That's what my mum always said.Yet...When you have dirty money