Coz Of ...

Это не вина психологии романтиков, это их стандарт ценностей. Они восхищаются сильными страстями, бе

Essas duas histórias - a do lado de dentro e a do lado de fora - podem ser contadas sobre cada um de

Wir werden alt und grau. Wir werden eines Tages verschlissen sein und aus der Welt verschwinden. Mit

Бунт индивидуалистических инстинктов против социальных уз является ключом к пониманию философии, пол

If time is precious, no book that will not improve by repeated readings deserves to be read at all.

All social inequalities which have ceased to be considered expedient, assume the character not of si

Virtue comes through contemplation of the divine, and the exercise of philosophy. But it also comes

The hardest bones, containing the richest marrow, can be conquered only by a united crushing of all

Time is the Mind of Space.

Faith in Qur'anic revelation unveils all the possibilities that lie before the human intellect.

The time of the autumn floods came and the hundred streams poured into the Yellow River. … Then the

Philosophy cannot be extinguished, though men will try ... The spirit seeks the light, that is its n

We make versions, and true versions make worlds.

Manlius ... took care in his invitations, actively sought to exclude from his circle crude and vulga

[Men] prefer the foolish belief and the passions of the earth [to the enlightenment of their souls].

I have brought peace to this land, and security," he began."And what of your soul, when you use the

Flow is the best of what happens when potential is activated by consciousness.

If he was not exactly a Spartan, he was, you might say, spartanatical. Things happened to you; they

Let those who want to save the world if you can get to see it clear and as a whole. Then any part yo

This causation exists as a streamed organization of constantly fluid potential. Anything that can be