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Far from rejecting outright any hierarchy of success or failure, philosophy instead reconfigures the

While it was well within their powers to toy around with mortals like hapless puppets, deeper human

Rainer Maria Rilke greeted and wrestled with the angels of his Duino Elegies in the solitude of a ca

Rudeness instantly establishes a set of norms, a set of regulatory orders, authority, and power. To

If you can't test it, it's not theorics -- it's metatheorics. A branch of philosophy. So, if you wan

Mortals are odd creatures in that sense—flawed yet hopeful. One can study them through millennia and

Considering he was neither priest nor scholar, the young man gave sensible, thoughtful replies -- th

There is ascension to potential that Plato couldn’t conceive while prescribing idealism to conceptio

Olivier took a deep breath, then turned and bowed in farewell. Gersonides nodded in return, then tho

For an act to be evil, you must first perceive it, process and then conceive it as such. Then these

It is impossible for Stream to achieve unhappiness. Indeed it is. Unless that is, it exists in consc

Mma Ramotswe had listened to a World Service broadcast on her radio one day which had simply taken h

Однако существует довод и более общего характера против слепого преклонения перед греками или кем бы

Time is simply the measurement of human progression against that of existence.

The positivists have a simple solution: the world must be divided into that which we can say clearly

He was a philosopher, if you know what that was.’‘A man who dreams of fewer things than there are in

We are not our own light.

The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live-moreover, the only one.

What, more realistically, is this “mutation,” the “new man”? He is the rootless man, discontinuous w

I do not know what the heart of a rascal may be, but I know what is in the heart of an honest man; i