Coz Of ...

For everyone now strives most of all to seperate his person, wishing to experience the fullness of l

you shall be told what pleased me to-day in the writings ofHecato; it is these words: "What progress

The unity of scientific and spiritual knowledge is realized when each of the particular sciences is

Good god it's great to be a Bull Mongoni!

We hold the future still timidly, but perceive it for the first time as a function of our own action

Not telling is just as interesting as telling I have found. Why speech, that short verbal journey fr

Most of us form estimates of our intelligence, wisdom, and moral fiber that are considerably higher

To the extent that in one's act of faith one participates in the truth through reason and heart, fai

Além disso, somos individualmente o produto de for?as que n?o escolhemos e que mal compreendemos. N?

The man who says that all events are necessitated has no ground for critizing the man who says that

De jure objections are arguments of claims to the effect that Christian belief, whether or not true,

Tudo é permitido e válido em nome do monopólio universal da distin??o entre o verdadeiro e o falso.

Both [Quine and Feyerabend] want to revise a version of positivism. Quine started with the Vienna Ci

We chart delusions through collective agreement.

Rationalism is false not because it seeks to express reality in rational mode, so far as this possib

Следует признать, что имеется определенный тип христианской этики, к которому осуждающая критика Ниц

Particularity leads to peculiarity and then to pathological behavior. The three Ps. It is very insid

Tis the wink of an eye, 'tis the draught of a breath,From the blossom of health to the paleness of d

Со своей стороны, я предпочитаю онтологическое доказательство [существования Бога], космологическое

Движение романтизма, в сущности, ставило целью освобождение человеческой личности от пут общественны